Taj Mahal ... err ... Tejo Mahalaya?
A few years ago I came across the works of Prof. PN Oak, who is the only person in history to challenge the Shahjahan-Mumtaz story, which is popular regarding the origin of taj mahal. He presents startling facts that do raise questions in our mind for the Shahjahan-Mumtaz story. He claims that the building existed much before Shahjahan's time and was actually a Shiva temple that was converted to a mausoleum and he has presented more than hundred evidences to substantiate this claim.
There are many mysterious details starting from nomenclature to archeology and architecture. One such example is the presence of 7 storeys in the building and the 22 rooms at the back of the taj mahal (as shown in the picture). Such elaborate space is not required in any tomb. What makes me believe in these evidences is the refusal of the Indian Government to open these rooms that have been sealed since Shahjahan's time or allow any investigation.